Ready to Sleep in 5 Days?
Yes Please!
After all the not-so-magic tricks you’ve tried, the notion of becoming set to leave insomnia in just 5 days might sound unbelievable. But hundreds of students have already done it, and you can too. How? By forgetting everything you’ve EVER been told about insomnia, and embracing the NATTO method instead.
“…Although you are special and unique, your troubles aren’t.” ― Daniel Erichsen, This is Natto: Are you ready for the journey within?
Your Passport Into the Natto Nation
Uncover, understand, and undertake the key principles of our life-changing Natto philosophy – the fuel for your healing journey. Once you understand what Natto is and means – and how it’s the only way to break a circular problem like insomnia – sleeping peacefully every night will be the easiest thing you’ve ever done.
3 Reasons to Register NOW

But Wait…What IS Natto?
The “Natto” philosophy has already helped 1000s of people start sleeping as well as they did before they ever experienced insomnia. And before you ask, no – it isn’t CBTi. The Natto (NOT-ATTACHED-TO-THE-OUTCOME) philosophy is all about letting go of your desire to control sleep.
To stop caring so much.
Insomnia happens when we obsess more and more over not sleeping, aka being awake, at night. We neurotically monitor our mind and body, creating a state of hyperarousal that makes sleep pretty much impossible. Wakefulness becomes a crippling fear that dominates our lives. But when you’re not attached to the outcome – AKA, you stop caring so much – sleep happens. Know why? Because sleep is a passive process. When we no longer try to achieve it, it happens by itself.
If you’re raising your eyebrows in skepticism, rest assured: So did all of our other students before they took this particular insomnia mini-course. But now, they’re believers. And soon, you will be too. Peeking under the hood in search of the real problem might be scary, but it’s worth ito do something a little scary now – to never be scared of bedtime again.

Ready-to-Sleep in 5 days Course Outline
Day One: Three Easy Shifts
Day Two: The timeless sleep window
Day Three: Befriending wakefulness
Day Four: Meeting the Day After
Day Five: Practical Self Kindness
‘Very valuable, informative, educational and easy to understand/ grasp, straight to the point and very helpful.’
‘In my opinion, the mini course is an excellent introduction, it will open minds to new ideas.’
‘This course provided an invaluable refresher to me during a recent period where the perceived threat of sleeplessness had reared its bothersome head with me again.’
‘What stood out the most to me was the last lesson about taking the pressure off of sleep, to sleep! It helped as a reminder/additional form of support to see insomnia differently than the mainstream.’